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Social Justice Advocacy Workshops

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“Justice, justice, you shall pursue” (Dt. 16:20). Over and over again, the Torah and Prophets exhort us to protect the widow, the orphan, the worker, the immigrant. The Prophets stood on street corners and in the royal courts, speaking truth to power, calling for justice, compassion,
and mercy. In the last century, Jews have been at the forefront of nearly every civil rights and social justice movement.

Rabbi Bonnie will present “Moving From Charity to Justice: A Workshop in Faithful Advocacy”, a three-session workshop originally created for Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice (WFVJ). Rhonda Lindner, interfaith organizer for the Wisconsin Interfaith Voter Engagement Campaign, a project of WFVJ, will join us for sessions II and III.

What: A three-part series of workshops to learn more about how to put the ideals and values of Tikkun olam (repairing the world), a foundational core tenant of Reform Judaism, into action. These workshops will be presented by Rabbi Bonnie, and will be hosted both in-person and over Zoom.

Session I - Sunday, March 9 [2:00pm-4:00pm]
1. Introduce participants to the challenges and opportunities for congregational engagement in advocacy
2. Explores the many forms of advocacy can take
3. Dispels myths about whether a non-profit can engage in public policy work

Session II - Sunday, March 16 [2:00pm-4:00pm]
 4. Trains participants in the nuts and bolts of effective advocacy
5. Works on how to write effective Letters to the Editor or Op-eds

Session III - Sunday, March 30 [2:00pm-4:00pm]
6. Provides opportunities for role-play in making a lobby visit to your elected official or presenting testimony at a hearing 

*Please note: Participants are encouraged to attend one, two, or even all three sessions, if you are able to!

If you require assistance, please feel free to reach out to the Temple office.
Please check the box or boxes for the classes you wish to attend. 
*Please indicate above if you will be attending in-person or over Zoom.
Please indicate which organization you are from in the pulldown menu above. 
Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785